Define Planned Netting Group


This activity is used to define a planned netting group. A planned netting group (PNG) is a collection of project activities (PPSA). 
PNG is beneficial in the multi project material requirement planning (MPMRP) process as it allows you to plan material transfers for a group of project activities. The transfer process will be handled by material transfer requisition (MTR). To control the sequence in which the MPMRP reviews the available material from each PPSA within each PNG, a priority number is assigned. You can exclude certain parts from a specific PPSA. The excluded parts will not be considered in MPMRP calculation.

For a project, you can define a PNG using either the Planned Netting Group window or the Create Project Planned Netting Group dialog box. It can also be created automatically if the Create Project PNG Automatically check box in the PMRP Basic Data/PNG Default Settings tab is selected.

Note: It is not possible to connect a PPSA to more than one PNG within the same site. You can connect one PNG to another PNG. However both PNGs should be within the same site.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity


Planned Netting Group
Project Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Planned Netting Group
Planned Netting Group/PPSAs Within PNG
Planned Netting Group/Allowed Between PNG Transfers
Planned Netting Group/Excluded Parts
Planned Netting Group/Include Activities Automatically
Project Navigator


To define a PNG without a project connection:

  1. Open the Planned Netting Group window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter appropriate values in the PNG and PNG Description fields.
  4. Enter the site for which you want to create the PNG or select one from the List of Values.
  5. Enter the priority number in the Priority field.
  6. In the Within PNG In/Out, Between PNG In, Between PNG Out and Borrow/Payback lists select appropriate options.
  7. If you want to automatically execute MTR process, select Automatic MTR check box.
    Note: System will automatically execute MTR only if the supply source type is Inventory.
  8. If you want to generate MTR for planning purposes only, select Generate MTR for Planning Only check box. (MTR will not be executed).
    Note: It is not possible to select both Automatic MTR and Generate MTR for Planning Only check boxes at the same time.
  9. Save the record.
  10. Click the PPSAs within PNG tab.
  11. To connect a PPSA to a PNG, create a new record and select a PPSA from the List of Values.
  12. Enter the priority number in the Priority field.
  13. Save the record.
  14. Alternatively, you can click the Include Activities Automatically tab and enter a project ID. All the activities belonging to that project, except those that have been closed or canceled, will be automatically entered in the PPSAs Within PNG tab.
  15. To connect two PNGs together click Allowed Between PNG Transfers tab and select New.
  16. In the PNG field, enter the PNG you want to connect or select a PNG from the List of Values.
  17. Save the record.
  18. To exclude parts from a certain activity, click Excluded Parts tab and create a new record.
  19. Select the activity and the part no which you want to exclude from MPMRP calculation.
  20. Save the record.

To define a project PNG using the Planned Netting Group window:

  1. Open the Planned Netting Group window and create a new record.
  2. Enter an identifier for the PNG and a description in the PNG and PNG Description fields respectively.
  3. Enter the priority of the PNG in the Priority field.
  4. Enter the site for which you want to create the PNG or select one from the List of Values.
  5. Select appropriate options in the Within PNG In/Out, Between PNG In, Between PNG Out and Borrow/Payback lists.
  6. If you want to automatically execute the MTR process, select the Automatic MTR check box.
    Note: An MTR will be automatically executed only if the supply source type is Inventory.
  7. If you want to generate an MTR for planning purposes only, select the Generate MTR for Planning Only check box. (MTR will not be executed).
    Note: It is not possible to select both the Automatic MTR and Generate MTR for Planning Only check boxes at the same time.
  8. Save the record.
  9. Click the Include Activities Automatically tab and create a new record.
  10. Enter the project ID in the Project ID field.
  11. Enter a number in the Priority field. The priority assigned to activities in the PPSAs Within PNG tab will begin with the value entered in this field.
  12. In the header area, select the Project PNG check box.
  13. Enter a value in the Project ID field.
  14. Save the record.

To define a project PNG using the Create Project Planned Netting Group dialog box:

  1. Open the Projects, Project Navigator or Projectwindow and query for the project for which you want to create a PNG.
  2. If you are using the Projects or Project Navigator window, select the project, right-click, point to Netting and then click Create Project PNG. If you are using the Projectwindow, you can right-click in the header or General tab, point to Netting and then click Create Project PNG. The Create Project Planned Netting Group dialog box will appear.
  3. The PNG ID is the same as the project ID, but you may modify the PNG description and priority if necessary.
  4. Select appropriate options in the Within PNG In/Out and Borrow/Payback lists.
  5. If you want to automatically execute the MTR process, select the Automatic MTR check box.
    Note: An MTR will be automatically executed only if the supply source type is Inventory.
  6. If you want to generate an MTR for planning purposes only, select the Generate MTR for Planning Only check box. (MTR will not be executed).
    Note: It is not possible to select both the Automatic MTR and Generate MTR for Planning Only check boxes at the same time.
  7. Click OK.