Define Sorting per Grouping Criteria


This activity is used to add sorting to the grouping criteria, i.e., execution phase, function number, competence, location and zone, of an ELS (execution logic structure) template. This sorting will follow the ELS (execution logic structure) logic from the template and all the way to the work orders created in IFS/Work Order Management. The ELS template, the ELS on the maintenance order and the work order execution logic structure will be presented in the same logical order to the user.

When the Complete Grouping Criteria option is executed on the template, basic data for the selected grouping elements will be retrieved and the ELS template generated. The basic data will also be retrieved to the relevant sub tabs in the Sorting per Grouping Criteria tab. You can then enter or modify execution logic sorting as required. Note: If sorting has been defined for execution phases in basic data, and Execution Phase ID is selected as a grouping criteria for the template, the sorting will be added automatically to the template. This can be changed if required.


To perform this activity, there must exist an ELS template for which grouping nodes have been generated.

System Effects


Define Execution Logic Structure Template

Related Window Descriptions

Define Execution Logic Structure Template
Define Execution Logic Structure Template/Sorting per Grouping Criteria
Define Execution Logic Structure Template/Sorting per Grouping Criteria/Execution Phase
Define Execution Logic Structure Template/Sorting per Grouping Criteria/Function Number
Define Execution Logic Structure Template/Sorting per Grouping Criteria/Competence
Define Execution Logic Structure Template/Sorting per Grouping Criteria/Location
Define Execution Logic Structure Template/Sorting per Grouping Criteria/Zone


  1. Open the Define Execution Logic Structure Template window and query (F3) for your grouping ID.
  2. Click the Sorting per Grouping Criteria tab and then click the relevant sub tab.
  1. In the Execution Logic Sorting field for the relevant grouping element, enter the required sorting value.
  2. Save the information (F12).