Sales and Use Taxes, Procurement

In the United States, taxes on purchases are generally levied by different taxation authorities, which must be paid either as sales taxes or use taxes. Within IFS Applications, taxes for purchase orders are considered estimated until invoiced and paid. To simplify calculations of these estimated taxes on purchase orders, you can define default tax codes for suppliers and your delivery address. These default values can also be modified for individual purchase order lines, and the tax lines created on the purchase order will then be transferred to the supplier invoice. If no tax lines have been entered on the purchase order, they can still be manually entered on the invoice.

If you want the same default tax code values for all suppliers, you can define tax codes for your site's delivery address(es) in Company/Address/Tax Code tab.

If you want to specify different default tax codes for different suppliers, enter the desired tax codes in the Supplier/Address/Tax Code tab. If no tax code values are entered for the supplier you select for the purchase part, the system will use the default values defined for your delivery address.

You can also specify tax exempt information for your delivery address and supplier addresses, if applicable. Individual purchase parts can also be designated as taxable or non-taxable parts. These default tax exempt values can be changed on individual purchase order lines.

To be able to use the sales tax calculation functionality, the company associated with the site for which the purchase order is entered must have defined tax regime “Sales Tax”. To verify or change this value, look in Company/Invoice/Tax Information tab.