Request for Quotation Revision

General Information

A request for quotation can have multiple cycles. The system uses revision numbers to handle modifications made on the request for quotation after the request has been released. The revision handling gives you the ability to see when changes have been made to the request for quotation. The handling of revisions is the same for Request for Order Quotations and Request for  Quotations.

Generate Request for Quotation Revision

A change that justifies a revision generates a new request for quotation revision, if the change is performed on a released request for quotation.

Once a change that will generate a new revision is saved, the system will inform you that a new revision for the request for quotation is created. The status of the request for quotation will be Revised. The request lines will have one of the four following statuses, depending on the changes done to the request for quotation:

When the request for quotation is released, the status of the header and lines change from Unchanged, Planned, or Revised to Released.

Note: It is not possible to delete a request for quotation or any request lines that are not in Planned status.

Apart from making changes directly in the request for quotation window to create a new revision, there is also the situation when a previously approved quotation line is being revoked. This will automatically create a new revision of the request for quotation, and set the status to Revised. The status of the revoked quotation line is set to Released. The other quotation lines will remain in their previous status, which is also the case when a quotation line is being cancelled and a new revision of the quotation is created.

Changes that Justify a New Revision

A new revision is generated if any of the following activities are performed on a request for quotation in Released status:

Printing the Request for Quotation

It is possible to print (and view) only the latest revision of the request for quotation. The request for quotation has to be in Released status when printing it for the selected suppliers. In the Suppliers tab you can see which revision was last printed for each supplier.

History of the Request for Quotation

The history of the request for quotation can be viewed in the RFQ History tab. You can review all changes made to the header and delivery address in this tab. The dates of release, cancellation, and closing of the request for quotation will also be displayed.

Table 1 shows an example of what you can view in the RFQ History tab. Note that when the currency was changed from USD to EUR on 200x-06-22, the status of the request for quotation changed from Released to Revised and a new revision number was assigned to the request for quotation. The following change of address did not generate a new revision, since it was made when the request for quotation was in Revised status. When the address was changed, the From and To columns display the entire address.

When the quotation line deriving from the request for quotation was approved, the request for quotation in the example was automatically transferred to the final status, Closed, on 200x-07-04. This line shows which of the revisions the approved quotation line originates from and the ID of the user who approved the quotation.

Table 1: Example of a history log in the RFQ History tab.

Date User Status Event From To Revision No
200x-07-04 NN Closed Closed 2
200x-06-26 NN Released Released 3
200x-06-26 NN Revised Revised 3
200x-06-23 NN Released Released 2
200x-06-23 NN Revised Address Changed 12 Hill St., 4E7 Pleasantville 14 Bond St., 3U6 Metropolis 2
200x-06-22 NN Revised Currency Changed USD EUR 2
200x-06-15 NN Released Released 1
200x-06-15 NN Planned Ship via Code changed SEA AIR 1

It is possible to view the history of each request line by selecting the desired line(s) and by choosing Detail History... from the Operations menu. The history log for the request for quotation line(s) is displayed in the Overview - Request Line History window. It reflects which revision number each line was created and the changes made to it since then, as well as all status changes.

Changes in connected documents or to the characteristics are also displayed. These two events are reported from IFS/Project Delivery.

Table 2 shows an example of what can be reviewed in the Overview - Request Line History window. The two request lines that are displayed in table 2 belong to the same request for quotation as above. According to table 1, revision 2 of the request for quotation was released on 200x-06-23. Thus, when line number 13 was cancelled on 200x-06-26, revision 3 of the request for quotation was automatically created. Revision 3 was subsequently released on the same day. Line number 21 was added to the request for quotation when in the second revision.

Table 2: An example of a history log in the Overview - Request Line History window.

Request No Line No Date User Status Event From To Revision No
264 13 200x-06-26 NN Cancelled Cancelled 3
264 13 200x-06-23 NN Released Released 2
264 13 200x-06-22 NN Unchanged Unchanged 2
264 13 200x-06-15 NN Released Released 1
264 13 200x-06-15 NN Planned Quantity Changed 10 5 1
264 13 200x-06-10 NN Planned Created 1
264 21 200x-07-04 NN Closed Closed 2
264 21 200x-06-26 NN Released Released 3
264 21 200x-06-26 NN Unchanged Unchanged 3
264 21 200x-06-23 NN Released Released 2
264 21 200x-06-22 NN Planned Wanted Delivery Date Changed 2000-07-20 2000-07-31 2
264 21 200x-06-22 NN Planned Currency Changed USD EUR 2

Revisions on Quotations

The first revision of the quotation is created when the request for quotation is released for the first time. Thereafter, each new released revision of a request for quotation will result in a new quotation revision. When the replies from the supplier are received you can enter the information for the corresponding revision, i.e., you can view all revisions and enter the information. When comparing the different answers you will, however, see the answer for only one revision at a time.

When a quotation line is approved, all other quotation lines with the same request number and line number are automatically rejected, i.e., all other revisions of the quotation line are rejected. If you are approving a quotation line for which there exists a later revision the system will inform you that later revisions exist.