E-mail Rejection Letter for Agreement Quotation


This activity is used to e-mail rejection letters to the suppliers who sent order quotations.  The rejection letter will be attached to the e-mail as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. If you did not e-mail rejection letters at the time of the rejection, you can use this activity to manually e-mail them later.


This activity has the following prerequisites.

System Effects

The rejection letter is e-mailed to the specified supplier using IFS/Connect and the rules specified for the event PDF_REPORT_CREATED.


Agreement Quotation Approval

Related Window Descriptions

Agreement Quotation Approval E-mail Rejection Letter for Supplier Agreement Quotation


  1. Open the Agreement Quotation Approval window and query for the desired request.
  2. Select the required quotation line(s), right-click and then click E-mail Rejection Letters.
  3. Click OK in the E-mail Rejection Letter dialog box to confirm.