Enter Distribution Order Defaults


This activity is used to modify the default coordinator and automatic receipt values inherited by the distribution orders. If the user creating a distribution order is not connected to a coordinator (as in the case when the planning tools create distribution orders), the coordinator entered on the Supplier for Purchase Part/General tab will be inherited by the distribution order. Every distribution order must have a coordinator. If the user creating a distribution order is not connected to a coordinator and a coordinator is not entered on the Supplier for Purchase Part/General tab, coordinator * will be used on the distribution order. System coordinator is denoted by asterisk. From the coordinator and the connected coordinator group, the distribution order number is retrieved.

The method of working with the distribution order's default coordinator and automatic receipt usually depend on three main criteria (or a combination of these criteria):

Automatic receipt is used when arrival registration does not have to be done for the parts delivered from the supply site. If automatic receipt is made available, the distribution order will be instantly received on the demand site as soon as it is delivered from the supply site. The parts will be automatically received into the proposed location specified on the distribution order. If automatic receipt is not used, the distribution order has to be registered on arrival at the demand site. 


System Effects

The entered values will be used by default on the distribution orders.


Supplier for Purchase Part 
Supplier for Purchase Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Distribution Order 
Distribution Orders
Coordinator Groups


  1. In the Supplier for Purchase Part window, query for the part record.
  2. In DO Coordinator field on the General tab, use List of Values and select a coordinator.
  3. Select Automatic Receipt if this feature should be used.
  4. Save your entry.