Enter Supplier Assortments


Supplier assortments are used in purchase agreements for group parts (and no-number parts) with the same conditions for any discounts and additional costs from the supplier. This activity describes how you enter the different supplier assortments.

By using supplier assortment, you can define the supplier assortment to which the purchase part belongs. The supplier assortment is specific to the combination of purchase part and supplier, as opposed to the purchase group, which is purchase part specific. With this connection, the discounts and additional costs can be defined for a combination of supplier and purchase part. This is later used in supplier agreements.

By using the supplier assortment concept, you can use the same purchase part (and inventory part) and still enter different discount and additional costs when purchasing from different suppliers. Supplier assortment is a control type in the posting control.



System Effects

The supplier assortment entered here is used to define an assortment per supplier and purchase part. The list appears as a List of Values in Supplier per Purchase Part.


Procurement Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Procurement Basic Data
Procurement Basic Data/Supplier Assortments


  1. Select the Supplier Assortments tab, and then select New.
  2. Enter an ID and a description for the supplier assortment.
  3. Save when completed.