Enter Alternate Delivery Address, Order RFQ


In case you need to temporarily change the delivery address, use the Request for Order Quotation/Delivery Address tab. The alternate delivery address is valid only for this specific request.

The Delivery Address field in the header controls the address displayed in the Delivery Address tab.

The country code is activated on ISO Code Usage/Country tab.


System Effects

The delivery address is changed and is only valid for this particular request.


Request for Order Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Request for Order Quotation, Request for Order Quotation/Delivery Address


  1. Populate or query for the appropriate request for quotation.
  2. Select the Delivery Address tab.
  3. Select the Single Occurrence field.
  4. Click the icon next to the Address area.
  5. Change the address to which the quotations should be sent, if the displayed address and/or reference is incorrect. The country code can be entered either manually or by using the List of Values.
  6. Select or clear the Pay Tax check box to indicate whether the address is subject to taxes.
  7. You have the option to enter an internal destination. Enter either the ID or write a description directly in the Internal Destination field. If you have entered an internal destination ID you can still change the description for this specific request for order quotation.
  8. Save when completed.