Enter Supplier Agreement Assortment Request Line


The request for quotation is built in two levels consisting of a request header and one or more request lines. The lines are divided into two tabs, one where you enter the purchase parts and one where you enter supplier assortments. Supplier agreement request lines for supplier assortments are entered in the Assortment Request Lines tab.

If the company tax regime is VAT, the price and tax calculations are controlled by the setting on the Use Price Incl Tax check box. The default setting of the check box is retrieved from the site. The setting can be changed before saving, if necessary.


System Effects

The desired supplier assortments are connected to the request for quotation.


Request for Agreement Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Request for Agreement Quotation
Request for Agreement Quotation/Assortment Request Lines


  1. Populate, or query, for the appropriate request for supplier agreement quotation.
  2. Select the Assortment Request Lines tab for the desired supplier agreement quotation.
  3. Select New.
  4. In the Supplier Assortment column, enter the supplier assortment for the request line, either manually or by using List of Values. In the Estimated Amount column, specify the amount for the complete supplier agreement. In the From Date and To Date columns, specify the validity period for the supplier agreement. The To Date field may be left empty.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all supplier assortments you want to include.
  6. Save when completed.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):