Indicate Supplier for Request for Order Quotation


When the request header is entered and the desired purchase parts and/or no-number parts are connected in the appropriate tabs, the next step is to indicate to which suppliers you want to send the request. Specify the suppliers on the Suppliers tab. If a supplier is missing, you can add a record via Quick Supplier Registration. From this tab you can also create business activities connected to the request and supplier and add/delete connections to business activities.


System Effects

The desired suppliers are connected to the request for quotation. The letter will be directed to the person who is entered as supplier contact.


Request for Order Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Request for Order Quotation
Request for Order Quotation/Suppliers
Quick Supplier Registration


To Enter an Existing Supplier:

  1. Use the Query or Populate function in order to find the appropriate request.
  2. Select the Suppliers tab.
  3. Select New.
  4. Either enter the desired supplier directly or search for it by using the List of Values. It is also possible to the use right mouse button option Add Multiple Suppliers to query for and add several suppliers at a time.
  5. Select the appropriate address number in the Supplier Address field.
  6. Add or change the supplier contact for the supplier in the Supplier Contact field.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for all the suppliers that you want to include.
  8. Save when completed.

To Enter a New Supplier: 

  1. Use the Query or Populate function in order to find the appropriate request.
  2. Select the Suppliers tab.
  3. Right-click and then click Quick Supplier Registration. The Quick Supplier Registration dialog box opens.
  4. In the Template Supplier ID field, enter the ID of the supplier record that you want to use as a template. You can enter the ID or select one from the List of Values.
  5. In the New Supplier ID field, enter the ID of the new supplier.
  6. Enter the name of the new supplier in the New Supplier Name field.
  7. In the Association No field, you can enter the association number of the new supplier.
  8. In the Country field, select a value from the List of Values.  
  9. In the Address field, enter the complete address for the new supplier.
  10. Click OK to exit the Quick Supplier Registration dialog box.
  11. Select the appropriate address number in the Supplier Address field.
  12. Add or change the supplier contact for the supplier in the Supplier Contact field.
  13. Save when completed.