Enter Purchase Requisition Lines for External Services


A purchase requisition is comprised of a requisition header and one or more requisition lines. Once the header has been entered, you can create purchase requisition lines.

Requisitions for external maintenance and repair services require the selection of order code 6 (External Service Order) in the purchase requisition header. This selection makes the No Part Requisition Lines tab, used for parts without part numbers, unavailable. All requisitions for external services are, therefore, entered on the Part Requisition Lines tab.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a purchase requisition line with Planned status is created.


Purchase Requisition

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Requisition
Purchase Requisition/Part Requisition Lines
Additional Cost Details


  1. Open the Purchase Requisition window and query for the applicable purchase requisition number.
  2. Create a new record on the Part Requisition Lines tab.
  3. In the Part No field, enter the part number or select it from the List of Values. If the part you want to enter belongs to an assortment, you can also look up its number by selecting the line, right-clicking and then clicking Parts by Assortment and Site Cluster.
  4. In the External Service Type field, enter the applicable service type or select it from the List of Values. Note: You can only enter a value in this field if order code 6 (External Service Order) has been selected in the header.
  5. The full name of the external service type appears automatically in the Service Description field.
  6. In the Quantity field, indicate the number of parts to be sent out for external service.
  7. In the Serial No field, enter the serial number of the part to be sent out for external service if it is serial-tracked. Note: You can only enter a value in this field if order code 6 (External Service Order) has been selected in the header.
  8. In the Lot Batch No field, enter the lot/batch number of the part to be sent out for external service if it is lot/batch-tracked. Note: You can only enter a value in this field if order code 6 (External Service Order) has been selected in the header.
  9. In the Wanted Receipt Date field, indicate the date by which the part needs to be received back on site.
  10. In the Supplier field, the supplier who is defined as the primary service supplier of this part appears automatically. You can change the supplier by using the List of Values if several suppliers are defined for the part. If no supplier is connected to the part, right-click and then click Supplier for Part, and then enter a supplier for the part.
  11. Save the record.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):

Note: If you enter additional cost amounts directly on the Additional Cost or Additional Cost Gross/Curr fields, you will not be allowed to enter additional cost details using additional cost types via the right-mouse button menu.