View Purchase Order Lines History


This activity is used to view all the changes made to a purchase order line. The history of a line shows who did what to it and when. You cannot add or modify any information in this window.


A purchase order line must have been entered and saved on a purchase order.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Purchase Order
Purchase Order Lines History

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order
Purchase Order Lines History


To view line history via a purchase order:

  1. Open the Purchase Order window and query for the order you want to view.
  2. Select a line in the Purchase Order/Part Order Lines tab.
  3. Right-click and then click Detail History. This will open the Purchase Order Lines History window, where you can view the line's history.

To directly query for a line's history:

Open the Purchase Order Lines History window and query for the order you want to view. To restrict the records displayed, you can perform the query with the order number as well as the line number.