Project Navigator/Planning/Constraints

[To Project Management]


Use this window to enter and view activity constraint information and to view float information.

A constraint is an imposed date that can be applied to an activity to restrict when it can be scheduled. There are two possible constraint types which can be given to an activity in IFS/Project: either a Start not earlier than or a End not later than constraint type. The constraint type together with the constraint date will be considered in a scheduling calculation. When an activity is registered to have a constraint, the corresponding Microsoft Project and Primavera constraint type and date are automatically updated. In this way, the constraint information will follow to the third party planning tool if the project is exported.

Alternatively, constraint values can be updated through an import from a third party project planning tool. There are more types of constraints available in both Microsoft Project and Primavera than are considered in the IFS/Project scheduling calculation. If an activity in a third party planning tool has a constraint that does not correspond to one of the two possible constraint types in IFS/Project, this information is shown in this tab. However, a scheduling calculation in IFS/Project would not consider this activity to have any constraint.

Values for float are automatically entered either if a scheduling calculation is performed, or through an import from a third party project planning tool.

Activity Diagrams

Schedule Project and Integrate Project Data


Schedule Project Plan
Analyze Planning Data