Analyze Integration Messages


This activity is used to analyze eventual integration messages that occur during the data analysis or during the integration between IFS Applications and Primavera Project Management. To have a successful integration it is necessary to create projects that follow the requirements of the integration and the business logic of both applications. When issues arise in the data analysis or integration, integration messages will give you valuable information in order to rectify data in IFS/Project or Primavera.

The messages are presented in the Integration Messages window and are of two types; data analysis messages and data exception messages.

Data analysis messages are the result of running the data analysis functionality. The analysis will check for the most fundamental differences in business logic between IFS/Project and Primavera. Executing the data analysis functionality is a recommended part of the process of integrating data. It will give information about data that may need to be rectified before running the integration, in order for the integration to be successful.

Data exception messages are information about exceptions that occurred during an integration. The data exception message indicates that an object was not successfully inserted or updated which is often due a violation of a business rule.

The integration messages are presented in the client with information that is useful when analyzing the reason for them.

More information on integration messages are given in Integration to Primavera Project Management – Messages.


System Effects


Integration Messages

Related Window Descriptions

Integration Messages


  1. Open the Integration Messages window. Populate and select, or search for, the relevant integration message.
  2. Optionally, assign a person responsible for further analysis of the integration message and possibly the rectification of the problem, in the Responsible field.
  3. Identify if the integration message is a result of a data analysis (message type: Error, Warning or Information) or of an integration (message type: Data Exception). Continue with the evaluation as described below for each type of message.

Data Analysis Messages

  1. If the data analysis has resulted in integration messages of type Error, the data must be rectified before performing the integration, or the integration will not be successful. Other types of integration messages caused by a data analysis, i.e. Warning or Information, are optional to take action on. It will then be possible to perform the integration without errors, but the message should be evaluated before performing the integration.
  2. Evaluate the information in the Integration Messages window to get an understanding of the problem and to locate the data that has caused the integration message. For data analysis messages the following fields are important to take into account:
    Data Analysis Messages
    Message Type Error, Warning or Information
    Description The description of the integration message. These messages are a part of the integration.
    Application The application from which the message is derived. This is important information when deciding where to rectify data.
    Project ID, Sub project ID
    Sub project Description, Activity ID,
    Activity Description
    When possible, these fields will give an indication of where the situation described by this message can be rectified.
  3. If required, rectify data accordingly in IFS or Primavera. Restart the data analysis or the integration (i.e. the former procedure) to continue. It might be helpful to use the document Integration to Primavera Project Management module – Messages to get a better understanding of how to rectify data to avoid further problems.
  4. Optionally, select the Issue Fixed check box when the issue has been handled.

Data Exception Messages

  1. If the integration has resulted in integration messages of type Data Exception, the data must be rectified for the integration to be successful.
  2. Evaluate the information in the Integration Messages window to get an understanding of the problem and to locate the data that has caused the integration message. For data exception messages the following columns are important to take into account:
    Data Exception Messages
    Message Type Data Exception
    Object Type The object type of the object that failed to be created or updated, e.g. resource or project.
    Description The description of the integration message. Note that these messages are generated by either application, i.e. not by the integration itself.
    Application The application from which the message is derived. This is important information when deciding where to rectify data.
    Project ID, Sub project ID,
    Sub project Description, Activity ID,
    Activity Description, Activity Sequence
    When possible, these fields give information about the project that was not successfully integrated.
    Resource ID The identity of the resource that has not been successfully integrated.
    Calendar ID The identity of the calendar that has not been successfully integrated.
  3. If required, rectify data accordingly in IFS or Primavera. Restart the data analysis or the integration (i.e. the former procedure) to continue. It might be helpful to use the document Integration to Primavera Project Management module – Messages to get a better understanding of how to rectify data to avoid further problems.
  4. Optionally, select the Issue Fixed check box when the issue has been handled.