Connect Documents to Project Activity


This activity is used to connect documents to a project activity using the business-to-business interface. Documents can only be connected to this level and not to the project and subproject levels even though documents that have already been connected at these levels can be viewed. New revisions can be added to documents that are connected to the project activity and connected documents can be deleted as well.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a document is connected to the project activity.



Related Window Descriptions

Connected Documents
Project Navigator
Project Navigator/Activity
Add Documents


  1. Click on the Project ID link of the relevant project on the Projects portlet. The Project Navigator page is opened.
  2. Click on the activity on the left pane.
  3. Click on the Documents link on the Activity tab.
  4. Click on the Add Documents link. The Add Documents dialog box is opened.
  5. Click Add File to select a file to be uploaded from your computer.
  6. Enter a document class, title and other information as required and click OK.