Print Project RFQ Supplement Report


Use this function/report for printing the Project RFQ Supplement report (RFQ – Request for Quotation). The report can be printed manually from the Info Services Archive or from Project/Quotation List (PQL). The report will be automatically printed when the RFQ is printed in IFS Purchase. The only requirement that must be fulfilled is that the RFQ must be connected to a project and the lines on the RFQ must be linked to the PQL. These links are automatically created when the RFQ is created from PQL.

The report contains information such as quantity, wanted delivery date, document requirements, document surveys, and characteristics that are connected to the part. This information will be collected from IFS/Part Catalog, IFS/PDM-Configuration, IFS/Project, and IFS/Project Delivery. For a more detailed description of which information will be included in the report, see the list below (the list does not correspond to the layout of the report; it only shows how the information is collected):

1. Part number and revision (general information about the part, from Part Catalog)
        1.1. Characteristics, from Part Catalog (only if the Engineering Part Revision is not Released)
2. Engineering Part Revision (general information, from PDM Configuration)
        2.1 Characteristics, from Engineering Characteristics Snapshot (only if the Engineering Part Revision is Released)
        2.2. Document Requirement for engineering part
        2.3. Document Survey for engineering part
3. Project Part Definition (from Project Delivery)
        3.1. Document Requirement for project part definition
        3.2. Document Survey for project part definition
        3.3. Project Item (only if there is information in some of the subsections below)
                3.3.1. Document Requirement for project item
                3.3.2. Document Survey for project item
                3.3.3. Tag
                   Characteristics for the tag
                   Document Survey for the tag
                3.3.4. Serial number
                   Document Survey for the serial number
4. Miscellaneous Part (information from Part Catalog and Project Details/Procurement/Miscellaneous)
        4.1. Characteristics for miscellaneous part
        4.2. Document Survey for miscellaneous part
5. Miscellaneous "No Part" (information from Project Details/Procurement/Miscellaneous)
        5.1. Document Survey for no part demand
6. Attachment list (lists of all the documents that are included in the report)

Remarks on the list above:

Each project item (or project part definition), miscellaneous part, and miscellaneous no part will have a separate section (Line No) in the report, and all information connected to this line will be listed in this section.

For a project item or project part definition, if the status of the part is Released, the characteristics snapshot in Engineering Part Revision will be used. Otherwise, characteristics from Part Catalog will be used. All the document requirements and the document survey for the project part definition, project item, engineering part, and engineering part revision will be listed together. Document requirements and the document survey for tags and serials will be listed separately.

For a part from miscellaneous procurement (paragraph 4), the paragraphs 2, 3, and 5 in the list above do no apply. The Characteristics will be collected from the Part Catalog, and the document survey is taken from the miscellaneous procurement line. There will not be any document requirements listed, as this is not applicable for miscellaneous demand.

For no part from miscellaneous procurement (paragraph 5), the paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the list above do not apply. The document survey is taken from the miscellaneous requirement line. There will not be any document requirements or characteristics listed, as this is not applicable for no parts.

The attachment list at the end of the report lists all documents that are listed in the different sections of the report. This list will be appended only if there are documents included in the report.


The parts to be included in this report must exist in the Project Quotation List (PQL).

System Effects



Project/Quotation List

Related Window Descriptions

Order Request for Quotation
Request for Agreement Quotation


Order the report from Project Details/Quotation List:

  1. Select the lines in the PQL that you want to include on the report.
  2. Select the right mouse button option Reports and click on Project RFQ Supplement.
  3. Select printer, layout, and other parameters in the dialog displayed on the screen.
  4. Click OK to print the report, or Preview to show the report on the screen.

Order report from Info Services Archive:

  1. Select the menu choice Info Services, Order Reports in the Navigator.
  2. In the displayed dialog, select the report "Project RFQ Supplement."
  3. When the report is selected, you may specify a search query for which information should appear in the report.
  4. If you want to distribute the report, you can do so in the Distribution tab.
  5. If you want to create an execution plan for this report, do that in the Execute tab.
  6. Click OK to execute the report.
  7. Select printer, layout, and other parameters in the dialog displayed on the screen.
  8. Click OK to print the report, or Preview to show the report on the screen.

To order a report from Request for Quotation (RFQ in Purchase), see Print Order Request For Quotation and Print Request For Supplier Agreement Quotation.