Schedule Project Plan


The project schedule is established when the planned dates, i.e. early start and early finish dates, have been determined for all project activities. The dates can be set either manually or through a scheduling calculation.

To manually establish the project schedule, values for early dates and total work days are directly entered for each activity. It is also possible to update early start dates, early finish dates and/or total work days by dragging or moving activity bars in the Gantt chart.

Alternatively, a scheduling calculation can be performed in the IFS/Project Gantt to determine the activity start and finish dates. Logical dependencies are created between activities to form an activity network, which is used as input into a scheduling calculation. Scheduling will result in updated activity start and finish dates, and critical activities will be indicated. The scheduling calculation takes the following into account:

Only one project at a time can be scheduled. The scheduling calculation is done to the minute. The selected timescale in the Gantt does not affect the scheduling calculation but is used for display purposes only.


System Effects


Project Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Project Navigator
Project Navigator/Planning


To manually update activity early start dates, early finish dates and/or total work days:

  1. In windows with activity information, change the value of the early start date or the early finish date, alternatively the number of work days. Save the changes.
  2. In the Gantt window, select menu option Pointer Mode. Change the length of the activity bar by dragging the ends of the bars or drag the entire bar to another date. Save the changes.

To create a project network:

  1. In the Gantt window, select the Show Dependencies check box.
  2. Right-click and select the Create Dependencies Mode menu option so that you can draw dependencies between activities directly in the Gantt.
  3. Drag the pointer from one (predecessor) activity to another (successor) activity to create a Finish to Start dependency. Save the changes.
  4. To view or update the dependency information point to a dependency, right-click and select the Dependency Details menu option. In the Dependency Details dialog, it is possible to change the dependency type, add a value for lag, or delete the dependency.

    In the Project Navigator or Activity windows:
  5. Dependencies information can also be added, updated or deleted in the Planning/Predecessors or Planning/Successors tabs.
  6. Information about constraints can be added in the Planning/Constraints tab.

To schedule a project:

  1. In the Gantt window, query for the project that you wish to schedule.
  2. Right-click and select the Schedule Project menu option.
  3. The results of the scheduling calculation can be previewed in the Gantt window.
  4. Save the changes to commit the results of the scheduling calculation.

Note: Although it is possible to view several projects in the Gantt window, only one project at a time can be scheduled. Point to the desired project, right-click and select the Schedule Project menu option.
Note: Before the scheduling starts the data is automatically reloaded into the Gantt to ensure that all data is up to date.
Note: After moving an activity, manually or through scheduling, some sub project summary bars are updated only after the changes are saved and the project is reloaded.