Define Company Properties for Customer Company


This activity is used to enter the following company specific basic data related to the customer company employee to be used for multi-company project reporting.

Property Code Property Code Description Explanation


Next Multi-Company Employee ID Number The specified number for the employee ID will be incremented automatically every time a new employee is created.
MCCREATEMP Create Multi-Company EmpID automatically Expected values are Yes or No. Determines whether the employees should be created automatically or not.
PREFIXMC Prefix Multi-Company Emp with Company ID This defines the prefix of the employee ID which is created automatically in the customer company. Expected values are COMPALIAS, COMPID and NONE. If the value is COMPALIAS the Company ID Alias is added as a prefix to the employee ID and if the value is COMPID then the Company ID is added as a prefix to the employee ID.
MCPOSITION Multi-Company Employee Default Position The multi-company employee created in the linked company will be assigned to this default position.
MCEMFORMAT Customer Company Employee ID format Expected values are Existing and Sequence. The format of the new customer company employee ID will either be the employee company ID or a completely new number based on the specified number for the employee ID (defined in company property MCEMPID).
MCORGCODE Multi-Company Employee Default Org Code Defines the default organization code that will be assigned to the multi-company employee.
MCPRENABLE Enable Multi-Company Project Reporting Expected values are YES or NO. This determines whether the company uses multi-company project reporting functionality. Multi-company project reporting to and from the company and all the related widows are disabled if the values is NO.


System Effects


Company Details

Related Window Descriptions

Company Details


  1. Open the Company Details window and query for required the customer company record.
  2. Click the Property tab and create new record. Select the required property codes from the List of Values.
  3. Save the record.