Distribute Supplier Invoice Amount among Projects


Use this function to distribute the Supplier Invoice amount among different Projects. If a Supplier Invoice Margin is used, the margin amount (or percentage) will be added (or deducted) from the Supplier Invoice amount. Invoice Comments can also be added in this window.


A Supplier Invoice must be chosen in the Supplier Invoice Entry window, and the menu choice Project Reporting selected. The selected Supplier Invoice must be finally posted.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the Supplier Invoice is debited on one or more projects.


Forward Supplier Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Forward Supplier Invoice


  1. Select Project Reporting from the right mouse button menu or the Operations menu.
  2. Select New in the lower table window.
  3. Use List of Values to select a Project, Subproject, Activity and Report Code to distribute the amount on.
  4. Select a Margin (Supplier Invoice Margin). This is not mandatory.
  5. Select Save.