Integration Configuration/Basic Data Integration

[About Integration to Primavera Project Management] [About Integration to External Planning Tools] [To Project Management]


Use this tab to specify details of an integration configuration to be used for basic data integrations between IFS/Project and the external planning tool. Basic data in IFS/Project are resources and calendars. Calendars can be exported from but not imported into IFS/Project, resources can be both exported and imported. To be able to export calendars they need to be set up in Integration Setup/Integration Calendar Setup tab. To be able to import resources they need to be set up in Integration Setup/Integration Resource Setup tab.

Integration configurations are saved as records in this window, and will therefore be reusable any number of times. A record is selected to perform a basic data analysis or to initiate an export or import. Completed basic data analysis or integrations result in history records that can be viewed in the Integration History window.

Activity Diagrams

Schedule Project and Integrate Project Data


Create Integration Configuration for Basic Data
Export Basic Data
Import Basic Data