Production Receipt Material

[To Repetitive Manufacturing]


Use this dialog box to report specific details of the components used at production receipt. You can view the list of components and/or you can edit components if there are variations from the product structure.  You can change the quantity used, change a component to exchange for an alternate, or add new components.

If the component part contains alternate parts, the alternate parts will be displayed in the lower table.

This dialog box can be reached by:
Using the right mouse button option, Edit Components in Production Receipts window.
The Components option in the Production Receipt and Scrap Receipt dialog boxes.
Selecting the Edit Components check box in the Report Point Receipt and Production Receipt windows.

Activity Diagrams

Production completion receipt
Completion scrap
Report point receipt
Report point scrap


Receipt with edit components
Receipt with multi level serial structure
Scrap with edit components
Report point receipt with edit components
Report point scrap with edit components
Receive byproducts from production receipt, production scrap
Report point receipt with catch unit enabled component
Report point scrap with catch unit enabled components
Completion scrap with catch unit enabled components