Approved Suppliers List

[About Purchase Authorization] [To Procurement]


Use this window to enter approved suppliers lists. If you have certain parts that must be bought from an audited supplier, you can enter a list based on the purchase group and site. After the list has been entered, only suppliers with an Approved status will pass purchase requisition lines and purchase orders without authorization according to the connected authorization template, provided that no valid Purchase Requisition Authorization rule or Purchase Order Authorization rule exists. If the supplier is disapproved, the purchase request will have to go through normal channels and be first authorized by the quality assurance department.

The suppliers you enter on the list are not automatically set to Approved status. You must right-click on the supplier line and click the appropriate option to approve the supplier. (Removing an approval and updating the dates are also done by right-clicking on the line and clicking the appropriate option).

Activity Diagrams

BDR for approved suppliers list


Enter an approved suppliers list
Copy an approved suppliers list
Add a supplier to an approved suppliers list
Approve a supplier
Remove an approval for a supplier
Check supplier or list history