Incoming Purchase Price Catalog

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Use this window to view the details of an incoming purchase price catalog message, i.e., a PRICAT message, received via EDI/MHS. Depending on the information received, the message can be used for either of the following: to update or create purchase conditions in the Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab or in the Part Step Pricing/Steps tab or to update purchase conditions in the Supplier Agreement/Parts tab. The two latter windows are connected to the supplier agreement functionality. It is possible to correct messages that have failed to automatically update the supplier for purchase part price lists and supplier agreements.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Price Catalog Header, Price Catalog Lines

Activity Diagrams

Manage supplier prices
Manage supplier discounts
Manage fixed supplier additions
Enter purchase agreement
Enter blanket purchase order
Re-negotiate supplier agreement


Receive price information
Receive supplier agreement price information