Register Qualitative Selection Level


Use this activity to define non-numerical quality levels for an employee selection process. A typical scale could be Excellent, Good, Average, and Poor. These levels are used during employee recruitment to describe how well a candidate performed during various tasks.

Levels defined here will have to be later enabled in the Recruitment Standards window on the Standard Selection Process tab. Then, once a personnel requisition is registered, it will be possible to evaluate how a recruit performed during the selection process in the Evaluation Process window


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the selection levels will be available during employee recruitment.


Qualitative Selection Levels

Related Window Descriptions

Qualitative Selection Levels
Ranking Qualitative Selection


  1. Open the Qualitative Selection Levels window.
  2. Add a new record.
  3. In the Qualitative Selection Level field, enter a level of quality, e.g, Poor, Satisfactory, Good, Excellent.
  4. In the Qualitative Selection Description field, you have an option to write a description for the level. You can enter, e.g., level requirements or measurements used.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all levels are registered.
    Note: Qualitative Selection Rank is assigned automatically based on the order in which you add levels.
  6. Qualitative Selection Rank is assigned automatically based on the order in which you add levels. If you want to change the order of levels, right-click a level and click Ranking Qualitative Selection.... A dialog box will open where you can use the arrows to adjust level ranks.
    Click OK to confirm changes.
    Note: Levels rank from the lowest (1) to the highest.
  7. Save your changes.