Analyze Consolidated Rental Transactions


This activity is used to analyze consolidated rental transactions. As rental transactions are generated, there will typically be adjustment transactions, e.g., for the case where back-dated rental events have been entered after transactions have already been generated, which can make it difficult to analyze how a given transaction was created. The consolidated rental transactions filters out adjustments etc. to show a view of how transactions would have looked if they had been generated for the current rental events, for the purpose of making follow-up and reconciliation easier.


The Update Consolidated Transactions function has to be run.

System Effects



Consolidated Rental Transactions
Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench

Related Window Descriptions

Consolidated Rental Transactions
Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench


  1. Open the Consolidated Rental Transactions window.
  2. Query for the required rental number.
  3. Analyze information as required.
  4. If required, use the right hand menu function for Rental Transactions to see the rental transactions included in the selected consolidated rental transactions.