Analyze Rental Transaction Invoice Details


This activity is used to analyze rental transaction invoice details. For transactions related to renting in, the window/tab shows information about supplier invoices matched to the rental transactions. For transactions related to renting out, the window/tab shows information about the customer order invoice that the transaction has been included in on. You can also right-click to open the Customer Invoice or Supplier Invoice Entry windows.


System Effects



Rental Transaction Invoice Details
Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench

Related Window Descriptions

Rental Transaction Invoice Details
Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench


  1. Open the Rental Transaction Invoice Details, Manage Rentals or Rental Workbench window.
  2. Query for the required rental number. In the Rental Workbench window, select the row and click on the Invoice Details tab. In the Manage Rentals window select the row and right-click and select Rental Transactions and then select Invoice Details.
  3. Analyze information as required.