End Rental


This activity is used for ending a rental. At the end of the rental period, an end rental event is entered to indicate that the rental has ended and to stop any continued transaction generation for the line.

Note: When the rental event synchronization is activated with options Both Sites or Both Companies from the Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing window and in an inter-site flow, the end rental event created from the demand site will be recorded in the Rental Event Approval window. The relevant event gets recorded in Rental Events History window after a user from supply site approves this record.


System Effects


Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench
Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Rental Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench
Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Rental Parts
Start Rental/ Create Manual Event/ End Rental  


  1. Open the Manage Rentals window.
  2. Query for the rental that needs to be ended, in the Rental No field.
  3. Select the record, right-click and click End Rental.
  4. Enter the event date and time that the rental should be ended, in the respective fields.
  5. Optionally enter a note to be saved in the event history.
  6. In the table part of the dialog box, select the quantity to end rental for.
  7. Click OK.