Rental Events Approval


This activity is used to review any rental events for manual approval or for ones rejected by the supply site.


System Effects


Rental Events Approval
Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing

Related Window Descriptions

Rental Events Approval
Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing


From Manage Rentals window:

  1. Select a Manage Rentals line, right-click and click Rental Events Approval to open up the Rental Events Approval window and populate the relevant events created from the demand site.
  2. On any line, right-click and click Approve or Reject for approving or rejecting the event.

From Rental Event Approval window:

  1. Query for the rental that needs to be populated, in the Customer Order No or Purchase Order No field.
  2. On any line, right-click and click Approve or Reject for approving or rejecting the event.