Customer Order Statistics

Detailed statistics can be created to analyze the following:

Backlog of Orders

It is possible to create detail statistics for backlog of orders so you can analyze the development of the backlog of orders. All order lines which, at the moment of statistic creation, are in Released, Reserved, Picked, Partially Delivered, Delivered or Blocked statuses will be selected. Parts which have been invoiced are not included.

Invoiced Sales

The information regarding sales that have been invoiced is available in these statistics. All invoiced lines with invoiced date equal to or greater than the execution date will be added to invoiced sales statistics. Detail statistics are created for the period until system date -1. If time zones are used, detail statistics are created for the period until system date -2.

Delivery Reliability

Information about delivery reliability for each day is saved in the detail statistics for delivery reliability. All customer order lines where the delivery date is equal to or beyond the latest execution date will be selected in the detail statistics. Net, gross, and discount amount will be calculated from shipped quantity. Detail statistics are created for the period until system date -1. If time zones are used, detail statistics are created for the period until system date -2.

Delivery Quality

Quantity returned, returned to stock, scrapped, and scrapping cause is important information in order to measure delivery quality. All customer order lines where the return date is equal or beyond the execution date will be selected in this detail statistics. Detail statistics are created for the period until system date -1. If time zones are used, detail statistics are created for the period until system date -2.

Aggregated Statistics

When the detail statistics are created, it is possible to aggregate data up to a desired level for invoiced sales and delivery quality. It is possible to choose dimensions to aggregate, i.e., customers or customer groups, as well as what to aggregate, i.e., sales quantity and invoiced quantity. You are able to choose time period (daily, weekly, monthly, or free number of days) to aggregate the detail statistics. One example of the kind of questions the aggregation functionality could provide is: How much do we invoice (net amount, gross amount, vat amount) monthly per customer and customer group? The definition for aggregation is made in a separate interface-Data Aggregation. When aggregating the invoiced sales the system uses the date that the invoice was created as basis. Any invoices created after the latest aggregation will therefore be included in the next aggregation period and cannot be included in a previous period even if the invoice date is changed.