Add Sales Promotion to Campaigns  


This activity is performed in order to create and maintain sales promotion deals on campaigns. A sales promotion deal is a conditional discount where a particular buying behavior is rewarded and encouraged. The buying behavior is defined in the buy conditions as a minimum quantity or a minimum amount for sales parts or assortments. It is possible to connect one or many conditions to a certain deal. A deal can be any one of the following:

If the buying behavior is fulfilled, the special price, percentage discount or discount amount offered in the deal applies to the promoted parts ordered. The promoted parts are defined in the get conditions as a minimum quantity or a minimum amount for sales parts or assortments. It is possible to connect one or many conditions. If you offer a percentage discount, you do not have to define a minimum quantity or a minimum amount for the promoted parts. Then, the discount applies to promoted parts regardless of the quantity or amount.

Below are some examples of the kind of sales promotion deals that can be defined:

The sales promotion is applied as a negative charge line to customer orders and sales quotations.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the added sales promotions will be handled according to the terms specified in the customer order and sales quotation, as soon as the campaign is activated.



Related Window Descriptions

Campaign/Sales Promotion


  1. Open the Campaign window.
  2. Query for the required campaign or create a new one.
  3. Then click the Sales Promotions tab and create a new deal.
  4. Enter an appropriate description for the sales promotion deal.
  5. In the Charge Type field, enter or select the required charge type using the List of Values.
  6. The Notify Unutilized Deal check box, determines whether or not you want to be notified about this deal when entering customer orders and sales quotations.
  7. Create a new record in the table, in the Buy area, and enter the required buying behavior that needs to be fulfilled. The buying behavior is defined in conditions by entering either an assortment node ID or a sales part and one of the following: The minimum quantity, the minimum gross amount or the minimum net amount.
  8. Repeat step 7 if the buying behavior is represented by several conditions.
  9. In the Get area, select one of the three options given to specify the way of offering the deal. If you select the Price option, you can either specify the price excluding tax or the price including tax. If the Discount Amount option is selected, you can specify either the net or the gross discount amount. It also has the option to select the discount percentage and specify the given discount in the Discount (%) field.
  10. Create a new record in the table in the Get area, and define which promoted parts the offered special price, discount amount or percentage discount should apply to. This is defined in the conditions by entering either an assortment node ID or a sales part and one of the following: the minimum quantity, the minimum gross amount or the minimum net amount. If you offer a percentage discount in the deal, you do not have to define any of those in order to get the discount regardless of the quantity and amount. Note that if the customer is getting the deal for the same part(s) and assortment(s) that has to be bought, you can right-click in the Buy area and then click Copy Buy to Get option to copy the same part(s) and assortment(s) into the table in the Get area.
  11. Repeat step 10 if the promoted parts are represented by several conditions. Note that the offer applies to the whole set of promoted parts.
  12. Save.