Enter Deal per Sales Part


This optional activity is used to enter information on a deal per sales part that is included in a customer agreement. You are facilitated to select the Provisional Price check box for this sales part. Having this check box checked means that the price in the agreement is temporary, and possibly updated later. Furthermore, this check box value is always inherited to the customer order line in case the price is retrieved from the agreement. You must also note that it is possible to check or un-check the Provisional Price check box at any given time. This however, will result in entries in the Agreement Sales Part Deal History window.

If Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected, the Price/curr field is non-editable and the price is calculated based on the price including tax value and the tax code. The price including tax is calculated according to the base price including tax and entered offsets. The sales price is back-calculated based on the tax code. The Price Incl Tax / curr field is editable.

If the Use Price Incl Tax check box is cleared, the Price Incl Tax/curr field is non-editable. Price is calculated based on the base price and the value entered for offsets. The price including tax is calculated based on the tax code and the price. The Price /curr field is editable.


Before the information is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects


Customer Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Agreement
Customer Agreement/Deal per Part


  1. Open the Customer Agreement window, and query for an existing customer agreement or select New and enter the necessary values to create a new customer agreement.
  2. Click the Deal per Part tab, then select New.
  3. Use the List of Values to select a number in the Sales Part Number field. A description will be displayed in the Sales part Description field.
  4. Optionally, enter any percentage and/or amount offset. The offsets are used to determine the calculated sales price.
  5. If you want to use a price other than the calculated sales price, enter a price in the Price field, or if your company is using the VAT tax regime, you can enter a price including VAT in the Price incl Tax field instead. The Taxable check box on the sales part and the Use Price Incl Tax check box must have been selected for the Price incl Tax field to be available. Entering the tax included price will calculate the net price for you. The other way around applies as well.
  6. Optionally, you can select the Provisional Price check box.
  7. For the Discount Type, use the List of Values to select a discount type, if applicable. A percentage will be displayed under discount.
  8. Save the information.

Note 1: It is possible to specify several deal-per-part lines in a customer agreement for the same part by giving different combinations for minimum quantity and price unit of measure.

Note 2: It is possible to view, the deal-per-part lines entered, using two options. You can select the View All option in the Customer Agreement window header to view all deal-per-part lines in an agreement. You can also select the View with Valid Date option and specify a date. Then, only the deal-per-part lines valid for that date will be shown.