Enter General Quotation Information


In this tab window, you can view and enter general information associated with a quotation. The information you enter here includes the following: a probability percentage, i.e., the likelihood of winning the current quotation (expressed as a percentage and set to 100% as default); a Language Code, i.e., the language that will be used on the printouts; the Request Received Date, which is the date on which the quotation was requested by the customer; the Answering Date, which is the date on which the customer is expected to give an answer; the Expiration Date, which is the date on which the current quotation will expire; the Price Effectivity Date, which is the date that ensures that a valid price list is used; and the Follow-Up Date, which is the date for following up on the current quotation.

Date Entered and Quotation Date, i.e. the date on which the quotation is printed after being released, is automatically entered by the system. When the quotation has been closed, the Closed status and the entered Lose Win Note are displayed in this tab. If the quotation was lost, the Lost To and Reason ID fields will show to which competitor it was lost to, and the reason why.


System Effects

As a result of this entry, additional information is added to the sales quotation.


Sales Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Quotation
Sales Quotation/General


  1. Populate or query for the quotation in question. Then select the Sales Quotation/General tab.
  2. Enter the information you want to add to the quotation.
  3. Save when completed.