Manage Customer Order

There are three primary methods to initiate a customer order:

With regular order placement, you enter the customer order manually. With the other two methods, the system generates the order or order lines automatically. A specific component handles the complexity of using plans and overlapping call-offs, that continuously need to be updated.

This process description document focuses on the first alternative and how to manage customer orders when doing so. There are two options to do this:

Using Customer Order

If you receive a customer order by fax, mail, phone, or similar means, you can enter a customer order directly and release it to continue in the order flow. If the ordered parts are stored, you must either reserve them manually or in batches before they can be picked up and delivered in the next process step. You can also use stored parts, non-stored parts and package parts, which are regularly used to include several different stored or non-stored sales parts in a single part, e.g., a PC package.

Depending on how the parts will be acquired, the release of the customer order can result in the creation of a purchase requisition, purchase order, shop order requisition, or DOP header.

Enter Customer Order

First, enter a customer order header. This includes such information as the customer's identity and the wanted delivery date. Then enter the requested parts and quantities for the customer order lines. If desired, add (or change) delivery information for either the entire order or each order line individually. This information might include the delivery mode or a delivery address other than the customer's default address. You can also determine whether or not it is possible to send the parts on the desired date, and whether you will need to reserve them manually to ensure their timely arrival. You can enter detailed information about pre-posting, complementary parts, charges, taxes, milestones, or staged billing. You can also enter notes and document text.

If you are working in a Configure to Order (CTO) environment, entering a customer order works in the same way as described above, but now you can also create and handle configurations and interim orders.

If you have used the Sales Quotation process, this process works in the same way as if you enter a customer order directly, i.e., you enter the customer order, specify any detailed information about pre-posting, complementary parts, charges, taxes, milestones, or staged billing. You might also want to enter any notes and document text.

Handle Customer Order

When the order is released, demands are created both in IFS/Manufacturing and in IFS/Purchasing. If the customer has exceeded the credit limit, or credit has been stopped for any other reason, the customer order will be credit blocked as soon as it is released.

When you release a customer order that is not credit blocked you can choose whether to send the order confirmation to the customer electronically or by mail. You can also issue a pro forma invoice.

If required, you can create transport loads and print pro forma invoices. If staged billing and/or milestones are used they can be continuously handled. You can choose whether to send the order confirmation to the customer electronically or by mail.

If you have used the Sales Quotation process, this process works in the same way as entering a customer order directly.

Reserve Customer Order

If the order is prioritized, you do not need to prioritize the parts. They were already reserved when the customer order was released.

If the order is not prioritized, the ordered parts must be reserved. You can do this either manually or in batches. If there are not enough parts and you are using the batch method, not all order lines will be reserved. Instead, they will appear in the shortage window. In the same window, you can also calculate the optimal time of delivery and simulate what will happen if the delivery date is prolonged or if partial deliveries take place.

Finally, you can issue a booking proposal to a forwarding agent.

If you have used the Sales Quotation process, this process works in the same way as entering a customer order directly.

IFS Business Analytics can be used to create and analyze information based on the customer order data available in IFS Applications. For more information refer About Information Sources in IFS Business Analytics.