Perform Due Calculation


This activity is used to start one or several due calculations for a specific serial. The valid options to run are:

The due calculations can be run for the entire serial structure or just for the serial itself. There is also an option to run the calculations as a background job and this is recommended if the calculations are to be run for the entire structure.


System Effects


Serial Maintenance
Modification Details
Serial Operational Info
Flight Log
Component Life
Task Distribution
Task Distribution Components
Pending Tasks
Maintenance Order
Task Summary
Due Information per Task

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Maintenance
Modification Details/Assign Serials
Serial Operational Info
Flight Log
Component Life
Task Distribution
Task Distribution Components/Pending Tasks
Pending Tasks
Maintenance Order
Task Summary
Due Information per Task


For all the windows listed above you can run the option to perform due calculations. The procedure described below is for the Serial Maintenance window, but a similar procedure can be performed from the other windows as well.

  1. Open the Serial Maintenance window.
  2. Query (F3) for the serial for which you will run the due calculations.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the header of the window and then click Perform Due Calculation to open the Perform Due Calculation dialog box.
  4. Select the calculations that should be performed for the serial by checking the options in the dialog.
  5. If you want to perform the due calculations for all serials in the serial structure, select the Calculate Entire Structure check box.
  6. To perform the due calculations as a background job, select the Run in Background check box.
  7. Click OK.

When the due calculations are finished, you can view the calculated due dates and values for all types in the Serial Maintenance window besides for the fault deferrals. Fault deferrals can be viewed in the Serial Operational Info/Fault/Additional sub tab.