View Document


Use this activity to view a document file. You can view:

If the document is part of a structure, you can select one or more of that document's subdocuments for viewing. Depending on how the document class process actions are set up for the selected document class, a document macro can be run when viewing the document. 


System Effects


Document Revision
Document Revisions


Document Object Connections
Project Navigator


Related Window Descriptions

Document Revision
View Document Structure
Document Revision/General 
Document Revisions
Document Object Connections
Project Navigator
Project Navigator/Project Documents


Use one of the following procedures to view your document.

Viewing a document:

  1. Open the Document Revision window and query (F3) for the document revision you wish to view.
  2. Click View to open the Select Document Type to View dialog box. 
  3. Select either Original Document or View Copy
  4. Select either Document Title and Name or Original File Name. (Original File Name can be selected only if an existing file was checked into the document revision the first time).
  5. Optionally, select External Viewer to view the original document or view copy in an external viewer. 
  6. Click OK. If your current file type or document class does not have  defined macros, the document file will open for viewing.
  7. If you have defined macros, the Choose Macro dialog box opens. Select a macro or accept the default macro. If you click Run Macro, the selected macro will run before the document opens for viewing. If you click Skip Macro, no macro is run before the document opens for viewing. 

Viewing a structure document:

  1. Open the Document Revision window and query (F3) for the (structure) document you wish to view.
  2. Click View to open the View Document Structure dialog box. The structure document and its subdocument(s) are selected for viewing by default. 
  3. Select either Document Title and Name or Original File Name. (Original File Name can be selected only if an existing file was checked into the document revision the first time).
  4. Optionally, select Use Original Folder Structure.
  5. Optionally, select View with External Viewer
  6. Select either Open Document/Run Macro, Open Folder or Nothing.
  7. If needed, use the Browse button to select another folder for the Check Out Folder field.
  8. If you do not want to view a specific document, clear the check box for the document's Select Document field.
  9. Click View to view your document(s). If macros are not defined for the current file type and document class, the document file of the parent document will be opened for viewing. The subdocuments will be copied to the Temp folder of your checkout path.
  10. If there are macros available for the current file type and document class, the Choose Macro dialog box opens. Here you can select from the available macros. If you click Run Macro, the selected macro will run. If you click Skip Macro, no macro is run. 

Note: You can also view the original files by selecting them in the Document Revisions and Approvals windows and using the relevant right mouse button options. Multiple documents can be viewed by selecting multiple rows in the Document Revisions window. Viewing the view copy or using the external viewer is not possible when viewing multiple documents and macro settings, Name files using settings will not be considered. The file will be named using the standard document title and name.