Copy Document File


Use this activity to copy one or more document files to a specified folder.


System Effects

If a document file has a view copy, both files are copied to the specified folder. Document files that are checked in to the document revision (other than original file and view copy) are copied to a selected location.


Document Revision
Document Revisions
Document Object Connections
Project Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Document Revision
Document Revision/General
Copy Document Structure
Document Revisions
Document Object Connections
Project Navigator
Project Navigator/Project Documents


Use one of the following procedures to copy a document file. If your document revision is a structure document, refer to the section titled Copying one or more document files connected to a structure document.

Copying a single document file:

  1. Open the Document Revision window or Document Revisions window and query (F3) for a document revision.
  2. Right-click (in the Document Revisions window, first select the row), point to File Operations, and click Copy File To to open the Save Document File As dialog box.
  3. You can accept the default file name or you can rename the file. You can accept the default location path or you can change it to a new path.
  4. Click Save to save the document file.
  5. If you have defined macros, the Choose Macro dialog box opens. Select a macro or accept the default macro. If you click Run Macro, the selected macro will run after copying the files to the selected location. If you click Skip Macro, no macro will run.

Copying two or more document files:

  1. Open the Document Revisions window and query (F3) for two or more document revisions.
  2. Select the rows, point to File Operations, and click Copy File To to open the Select Local Path dialog box. You can accept the default value or you can specify the path location.
  3. Click OK to copy the document file.

Note: When performing the copy file to operation for multiple documents, the macro settings and Name files using settings defined in Document Class Process Action will not be considered. The file will be named using the standard document title and name.

Copying one or more document files connected to a structure document:

  1. Open the Document Revision window or Document Revisions window and query (F3) for a document revision that is a structure document.
  2. Right-click, click File Operations, and then click Copy File To to open the Copy Document Structure dialog box.
  3. Configure how the document file(s) will be named (under Save File Names Using) and the location where they will be saved (under Save In). These settings apply for all selected documents.
  4. Optionally, select Use Original Folder Structure.
  5. By default, all documents are selected for copying. If you remove the check from the check box in the Select Document field, that document will not be copied.
  6. Click Copy to copy the document file(s) to the selected check out path.