Shop Order As Built Structure/Tracked Structure

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[To Manufacturing]


Use this window to view a graphical representation of the as-built tracked structure for the shop order. Tracked components that are reserved or issued to the order are displayed. You can also edit this tracked structure, adding and removing tracked components as needed.

In the left pane, you can see the relationship between lot and serial-tracked components and the tracked parts being produced by the specified shop order. You can click the icon for the parent part and then navigate through all levels of the structure down to the basic components. The right pane of this window shows serial or lot batch number reservations that have not been assigned to any parent part shown in the graphical display in the left pane.

If the order has reserved components that are not yet included in the tracked structure, you can have the system add the components into the tracked structure by right-clicking and then clicking Add Tracked Components. The system will use all the reserved and/or issued components on the table to build parts, using the quantity per assembly values defined for the components. It will build parts until it runs out of serial numbers or lot batch numbers. You can also remove serial components from the structure by right-clicking and then clicking Remove Tracked Components or by selecting component and clicking Delete from the keyboard.

It is also possible to drag and drop components from the left pane navigator into the tracked structure and vice versa.

Following right-mouse button options are available in this tab :

Note: If the part does not have the Multi-Level Tracking check box selected in IFS/Part Catalog, then the Add Tracked Components menu item will be disabled.

Component parts that are Not Consumed will not appear in the tracked structures since no quantity of these components is used.

Activity Diagrams

