Shop Order/Material

[About Reservations] [About Part Ownership]

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Manufacturing] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order] [To Report Shop Order]


Use this tab to view component material needed to manufacture the parent part. You can revise the existing component parts and add new components, e.g., material that is needed only for this shop order and does not need to be added to the part structure. You can also reserve material for the shop order and view the reservations that have already been made. Additionally, there is a function for manual issues for the shop order.

If the manufactured part is a configured part, this tab will be updated according to the latest revision.

Activity Diagrams

Create shop order
Handle shop order
Handle repair shop order
Reserve components
Reserve and issue components
Issue components
Report operations
Material review board
Handle inventory discrepancies
Perform quality inspection and handle discrepancies
Multilevel repair 
Modify CRO work scope


Check material
Create shop order manually
Add work guideline to shop order
Add shop order component
Add material lines on repair shop order
Remove material lines from repair shop order
Delete shop order component
Redefine supply code for component
Check existing reservations
Reserve shop order components automatically
Reserve shop order components manually
Retrieve parts available to reserve
Unreserve material
Issue components manually
Unissue material
Manual pegging of shop order material line
Scrap of component
Unreport component scrap
Create MRB case