Enter Authorization Combination Rules


This activity is used to enter posting authorization combination rules, and to connect combination rules for the authorization combination rule. An authorization combination rule will also be connected to invoice authorizers, and this will help to determine who is allowed to authorize a posting based on the code part combination and the amount specified in the connected combination rule.

You can also copy authorization combination rules that contain combination rules from an existing company to your company. The Copy Authorization Combination right mouse button option will be used to perform this operation. 


If you want to enter a new combination rule for an existing authorization combination rule ID, the posting authorization combination rule should exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, when an authorizer attempts to authorize a posting, his or her limits on the code part combinations and amounts will be checked against the connected combination rules for the authorizer. When you copy an existing invoice authorization combination, the authorization combination rule you copied will also be available in your company. 


Authorization Combination Rules

Related Window Descriptions

Authorization Combination Rules
Copy Invoice Authorization Combination


To enter combination rules per authorization combination rule:

  1. Open the Authorization Combination Rules window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Authorization Combination Rule ID field, enter an identity for the authorization combination rule you want to create, and a description for the authorization group in the Description field.
  4. In the table part of the window, create a new record to enter a combination rule for the authorization  combination rule you created.
  5. Enter the maximum amount allowed per code part combination in the Max Amount field.
  6. Select the Allowed check box if the code string combination is allowed for the rule.
  7. In the account and the code part fields, enter the accounts and code parts applicable to the combination rule.
  8. Save the information. 

To copy an existing authorization combination rule from another company:

  1. Open the Authorization Combination Rules window.
  2. Right-click, and then click Copy Authorization Combination. The Copy Invoice Authorization Combination dialog box opens.
  3. In the From Company list, select the source company in which the combination rule you are trying to copy exists. 
  4. Select the identity of the authorization combination rule you want to copy from the From Authorization Combination Rule ID list.
  5. Enter the name and description to be used in your company for the copied authorization combination rule in the relevant fields.
  6. Click OK.