Modify External Supplier Invoice Tax Information


This activity is used to view and correct supplier invoice tax lines related to a specific external supplier invoice. During the Check Invoices step (performed in the External Supplier Invoices window), errors might be reported due to incorrect tax detail data for loaded external supplier invoices.


There must be adequate information in the Tax Code tab in the Company window in IFS/Enterprise so that you can load supplier invoices with tax details.

In order to be able to modify lines, the Changeable check box must be selected in the External Customer Invoice Parameters window in IFS/Invoice. Also, the Create step must not have been executed yet.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, Sales Tax and Use Tax related to the invoice load ID is modified. The processing of external supplier invoices can continue, either by correcting other errors reported for the load ID or by performing the Check step again.


External Supplier Invoices

Related Window Descriptions

External Supplier Invoice Line Information
External Supplier Invoice Tax Information


To modify tax lines:

  1. Open the External Supplier Invoices window in IFS/Invoice.
  2. Populate the window or query for the required Load ID (and, possibly, for specific supplier invoices).
  3. Right-click on the invoices to be corrected and click Invoice Line Information to launch the External Supplier Invoice Line Information window.
  4. Right-click on the lines to be modified with respect to tax information and click Invoice Tax Information to launch the External Supplier Invoice Tax Information window. Modify necessary values in the window.
  5. Save changes.
  6. If there is nothing else to correct, perform the Check Invoices step again. Otherwise, correct the other invoices and/or invoice details.