Supplier Invoices for Final Posting Analysis


The Supplier Invoices for Final Posting Analysis activity is used to view detailed information on previously entered supplier invoices where final cost postings are still missing. Perform this activity to get a quick overview of all invoices that needs to be completed with final postings. From this form, you can select the invoices of interest. Right-click and then click Supplier Invoice Entry and continue to work with them in this form. You can also make specific queries for the voucher number where the preliminary postings have been made for the invoice, the invoice identity, or the purchase order reference. You can perform the final posting of several invoices using the Final Invoice Posting right mouse button option.


System Effects

If you select to final post the invoices that are in the Preliminary status, all the selected invoices will be finally posted.


Supplier Invoices for Final Posting Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Invoices for Final Posting Analysis


To query for supplier invoices for final posting:

  1. Open the Supplier Invoices for Final Posting Analysis  window. 
  2. Query or populate to find the relevant supplier invoices.

To finally post invoices in a company where postings are not created at invoice entry, and a posting proposal is not used:

  1. Open the Supplier Invoices for Final Posting Analysis  window. 
  2. Populate or query for the relevant supplier invoices.
  3. Select the invoices you want to finally post, right-click, and then click Final Invoice Posting.