View Vouchers


This activity is used to view postings for all vouchers connected to a supplier invoice.

For supplier invoices where tax has been withheld, the postings connected to the tax withholding can be viewed in this window on a voucher belonging to function group U, provided that IFS/Payment is installed. 


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

This activity does not have any system effects.


Manual Supplier Invoice
Outgoing Supplier Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Supplier Invoice
Outgoing Supplier Invoice
Supplier Invoice Vouchers


To see postings created for an incoming supplier invoice.

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window and search for the invoice for which you want to view the voucher.
  2. Right-click in the background of the window and then click View Vouchers to open the Supplier Invoice Vouchers window where information relating to the voucher can be viewed.

To see postings created for an outgoing supplier invoice.

  1. Open the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window and search for the invoice for which you want to view the voucher.
  2. Right-click in the background of the window and then click View Vouchers to open the Supplier Invoice Vouchers window where information relating to the voucher can be viewed.