Enter Payment Date Administration


Use this activity to view or enter dates blocked for payments per payment institute. The system will automatically generate planned payment dates for each payment institute, either before or after the date stated, depending on what information is entered. This activity also can be used to calculate the value date of a transaction. (The value date is the date on which a cash transaction affects your cash account at the bank. E.g., processing a check may need 2 days at the bank so the value date would reflect this.)


Payment institutes must have been entered into the system.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the specified date will be blocked for payment. However, the system will choose either to pay on a date before that specified or on a date after, according to what is entered. Value dates for relevant transactions are also calculated based on the blocked dates.


Payment Institutes

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Date Administration


  1. Open the Payment Institutes window. 
  2. Select a payment institute for which the dates blocked for payment need to be entered/viewed.
  3. Right click and select Payment Date Administration.
  4. Select the appropriate Default Calendar check box to identify the calendar to use in setting the payment dates.
  5. To specify a single date to be blocked, enter it in the Blocked Date field and specify Pay before or Pay after in the Pay Before/After field. 
  6. Save the changes.