Create Supplier Payment Proposal


This activity is used to specify the loading criteria for a supplier payment proposal.


In order to perform this activity, unpaid supplier ledger items that match the loading criteria specified must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, ledger items covered by the payment proposal are selected for payment.


Payment Proposals

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Proposals
Create Supplier Payment Proposal


To load payment proposal:

  1. Open the Supplier Payment Proposals window.
  2. Right-click and then click Create Proposal to open the Create Supplier Payment Proposal dialog box.
  3. Select Date if you want to base the selection on a date interval, or select Substitution Variable  if you want to base the selection on substitution variables.
  4. Enter appropriate values in the First Possible Pay Date and Until Planned Pay Date fields (i.e. dates or substitution variables based on what you selected in Step 3).
  5. Enter a value in the Priority field if you want the proposal to include only ledger items belonging to suppliers with a specific payment priority.
  6. Enter a value in the Company ID field to be included in the proposal. You can specify multiple companies in this this filed by separating the company codes with semicolons.
  7. Select either Supplier or Supplier Group option to specify whether the selection of ledger items to the proposal should be based on suppliers or supplier groups. Then proceed to enter the IDs of specific suppliers/supplier groups whose ledger items should be included in the proposal (based on the option selected).
  8. Specify the cash account that should be used to make payments for ledger items included in the proposal by selecting a value from the List of Values for the Cash Account field.
  9. Enter one or more values in the Payment Method field if you want the proposal to include only invoice installments with specific payment methods.
  10. If you want the proposal to include the invoice installments with no payment method specified, select the Installments with No Payment Method Specified check box. Then select either For Suppliers Having Specified Payment Method as Default option or For Suppliers Having Specified Payment Method as Possible option to specify whether those invoice installments should belong to suppliers who have the payment method entered  as the default payment method in the Supplier/Payment tab.
  11. If invoice installments having payment methods specified equal to the default payment method of the supplier are to be included in the proposal then select Only Installments Specified with Default Payment Method check box . If this check box is not selected, all installments specified with a payment method for the supplier(s) will be included in the proposal.
  12. Specify the cash account that should be used in order to make the payments for the ledger items included in the proposal by selecting a value from the List of Values for the Cash Account field.
  13. Enter one or more currency codes in the Currencies field if you want the proposal to include only invoice installments with a specific currency code(s).
  14. Specify a maximum value for the sum of all ledger items to be included in the proposal if required. This value should be entered in the Proposal Maximum Amount field.
  15. If you do not want the ledger items of an individual supplier included in the proposal to exceed a specific value, enter that value in the Supplier Maximum Amount field.
  16. Select the following check boxes as applicable: Include Credit Invoices, Include Payments on Account, Include Advance Payments, Include Non-Supplier Payments, and Include Recurring Payments.
  17. Specify a value in the Advance Invoices field to include or exclude advance invoices from the proposal or to in include only advance invoices in the proposal.
  18. Select the Include Suppliers with Negative Balance check box if required. Then select either Balance per Company option or the Balance for All Companies option to specify how the balances of suppliers who are common to two or more companies should be considered.
  19. Select the Show Offset Possibility and Show Netting Possibility check boxes if required. Note: If there exists off set possibilities you can offset the ledger items included in the proposal by right clicking and selecting the Offset option.
  20. If you want the proposal to be created as a background job, select the Run in Background check box.
  21. Click OK
  22. You can also start with an empty proposal. Click New. Creation Date is set to the system date (today's date), First Possible Pay Date and Until Plan Pay Date appear automatically, User Id is set to your user. Click OK. The Proposal ID is assigned and Status is set to Created automatically when you save.