
Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show which basic data is required for running the recruitment process.

Advertisement Media Type
Employment Agencies
Recruitment Standards Qualitative Selection Levels
Recruitment Method Description
Work Categories
Advertising Companies
Applicant Sources
Competency Profile Specification

Advertisement Media Type

  1. Open Advertisement Media Type and populate the window. You will see different channels for advertising a job opening.
  2. Create a new record and enter a new media type, starting with your initials. Then add a suitable name for it. 
  3. Save the information.

Employment Agencies

  1. Open Employment Agencies and populate the window. You will see agencies that can support the recruitment process in different ways. They might, for instance, advertise the job opening, locate candidates, or administer personal tests.
  2. Create a new record and enter a new agency, starting with your initials.
  3. Save the information.

Recruitment Standard

  1. Open the Recruitment Standardswindow.
  2. Enter a new record in the Standard Recruitment Errands tab. These are all the activities performed within the recruitment process, except for the selection activities.
  3. Enter a new record in Standard Selection Process tab. These are the specific selection activities.
  4. Enter a new record in Standard Action List tab. These are the activities performed with each candidate, including the selection activities. Use as a checklist.
  5. Save the information.

Qualitative Selection Level

  1. Open Qualitative Selection Levels and populate the window.
  2. View the information. The levels are used to rate a candidate's performance in the different selection activities. 

Recruitment Method Description 

  1. Open Recruitment Method Descriptions and populate the window.
  2. View the information. The different methods are used to reach the desired target group of candidates. The data is hard coded. If you want to change the data this has to be done by changing the code.

Work Categories

  1. Open Work Categoriesand populate the window. This data helps an applicant select and apply for jobs that are advertised on the Web. 
  2. Create a new record and enter a new work category, starting with your initials.
  3. Save the information.


  1. Open Regionsand populate the window. This data helps an applicant select and apply for jobs that are advertised on the Web. 
  2. Create a new record and enter a new region, starting with your initials.
  3. Save the information.

Advertising Companies

  1. Open Advertising Companies and populate the window. For a recruitment company, it is valuable to be able to specify the advertising company, e.g., their customers advertising a job through the recruitment company. The same goes for a holding company with different subsidiaries but only one HR department.
  2. Create a new record and enter a new advertising company, starting with your initials. Then save the information. 

Applicant Sources

  1. Open Applicant Sourcesand populate the window. This data helps the HR department with their future recruitments. 
  2. Create a new record and enter a new applicant source, starting with your initials.
  3. Save the information.

Competency Profile Specification

  1. A competency profile is used if you need to recruit a person whose qualifications do not fit into any of the existing positions within your organization. Open Competency Profile Specification and populate the window.
  2. Create a new record. Enter an ID and name of your matching profile, starting with your initials e.g., XX Profile.
  3. Click the Competencies tab and enter some competencies applying to a Human Resources Officer.
  4. Click the Education tab and create a new record. Enter the name Bachelor.
  5. Enter a new record in the column below: Bachelor Degree – Human Resources.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Repeat step 4 - 6 for a Master's degree in the same educational area.
  8. View the rest of the tabs.

Note: The Physical and Personality tabs are add-on functionality.