Balances Reconciliation Status

[Time and Attendance Reporting]


This window is used to view the reconciliation status of time balances for employees. Balances are reconciled according to the reconciliation rule linked to the balance id in the Balance Reconciliation window. When you select a date range in the header of the Balance Reconciliation Status window, all the balance reconciliation periods that are closed within that date range will be displayed. A balance is closed when the current date is greater than the period end date. All balances that are closed are required to be reconciled on the closed date.

According to the reconciliation rule, the time balance of an employee can be reconciled automatically by the system or it can be manually reconciled using this window. Balance periods that are required to be manually reconciled are indicated with the Waiting for manual reconciliation status. All balance periods that are already reconciled are indicated with the Reconciled status.

A balance reconciliation period opens based on the reconciliation information of the previous period. If the previous period has not been reconciled, the new period will be affected by the information from the previous period. For balance periods that require manual reconciliation, you are required to ensure that the balance is manually reconciled on the period close date so that the next balance period will not be affected.

Activity Diagrams

        Reconcile Employee Time Balances


        Reconcile Employee Balances