Using Breadcrumbs

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Breadcrumbs serve two purposes. They show you where you are in the application, e.g. which navigation path you took to the page you have open, and can also be used to quickly jump between functions in the application area you are working in. Each part of the breadcrumbs has a drop-down list where you can see the other navigator nodes under that folder.



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IFS Enterprise Explorer

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By clicking the drop-down list by each breadcrumb you can see related folders and pages, e.g. folders and pages on the same level in the navigator structure.

Figure 2: Breadcrumbs Navigation Path example

Clicking on the breadcrumb, Sales in this example, will display the top node structure in the work area, e.g. the Sales folder in the work area. Selecting Customer Order from the drop-down list in this example will open the Customer Order page in the work area.

The Top Home Page: Takes you to the top node in the IFS Navigator.