Using Lobby Pages


A Lobby page consists of a number of elements. There are different types of elements, some display information from IFS Applications in e.g. counters, lists or graphs and some contain links to web pages/files. You simply click on an element to navigate to related page. If it’s connected to information in IFS Applications the page will be populated with the relevant data.

Use the Lobby Overview page to find all existing Lobby pages and select which page you want to use.


Lobby Pages Overview

Related Window Descriptions

Lobby Pages Overview, Lobby Page


Using Lobby Overview

The Lobby Overview page contains a list of all existing Lobby Pages. A search filter is available in the upper right hand corner. Use this to search for Lobby Pages, e.g.: type "Cus Ord" to search for pages called "Customer Orders". The Pages' Name, Title, Author and Keywords are searchable.

Double click on a page to open it or use the Goto Page button at the bottom of the page.

Figure 1: Lobby Overview page

Using the Lobby Page view

Figure 2: Example Lobby Page

Click on an element to navigate to related data, it will open the relevant IFS Applications page and populate with the data shown in the element.

Note that list elements might have more rows than is visible. In that case page through the results using the "1 2 3 4 >" links at the bottom of the Element.

You can also double click on the Elements on your Pages and they will zoom to fill the screen. This could be useful particularly with matrix elements, lists and charts, that might have a lot of detail.

The following actions are available in a Lobby page:

Figure 3: Example Parameter dropdown list where Company can be selected.

Depending on how the Elements on your Page are setup, clicking on them might navigate you to the IFS Applications page that has the detailed data.

List elements might have more rows than is visible on the screen. In this case, you can page through the results using the "1 2 3 4 >" links at the bottom of the Element.

You can also double click on the Elements on your Pages and they will zoom to fill the screen. This could be useful particularly with matrix elements, lists and charts, that might have a lot of detail.