Define Modification/Definition
Modification Details/Definition

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Use this tab to enter general information for a modification. The following table shows information for the valid modification statuses:

Modification Status Description
Preliminary At the creation of a modification revision, it is automatically set to the Preliminary status. At this stage, you can enter or modify all the details for your modification revision. Alternatively, you can delete a modification revision that exists in this status.
Active The assigned serials can now comply with your modification revision. Note: Only one revision of a modification can be in the Active status at any given time. When the modification revision is activated (1) you cannot delete this modification (2) only certain details can be updated for the modification (through the Modify Active Modification assistant). The details that can be update are, modification category, days forewarning, duration workshop and the rescission date.
Furthermore, if your modification consists of the assignment type Documentation, you can perform the required documentation updates, and sign off once these are completed. 
Obsolete Obsolete modifications cannot be updated. If running tasks exist for this modification, these tasks will be allowed to finish. If decompliance is allowed for the modification revision, serials will be allowed to decomply with the modification revision. If however, running tasks do not exist, and the modification is not referenced by other modifications, this modification revision can be deleted.

Activity Diagrams

Define modification
Define MRO manufacturing operational data
Associate repair codes, discrepancy codes and modification headers


Define modification
Define a Modification Revision
Modify active modification