Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up/Tools and Facilities
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up/Tools and Facilities

[About Maintenance Order] [To Prepare Maintenance Visit]


Use this tab to view the tool-and-facility demand for the selected maintenance order structure. Tool-and-facility demand refers to the aggregated quantity of tools and facilities required for a maintenance visit.

To view tool and facility requirements for the entire visit, click the Maint. Order Str. tab, and then select the topmost node in the graphical object structure. Otherwise select the structure node that reflects the maintenance task for which you want to view tool and facility requirements.

To view tool and facility requirements for the Execution Logic Structure (ELS) that is connected to the maintenance order, click the Exec. Logic tab, and then select the topmost node in the graphical object structure. Otherwise select the structure node that reflects the grouping node for which you want to view tool and facility requirements.

When a structure node is selected, rolled up tool and facility requirements for the instructions and/or subtasks that are associated with the node will be displayed in this tab. The requirements will be aggregated based on the period type you have selected in the Demand Roll Up tab.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Maintenance Visit


View Tool and Facility Demand